Now with staples in hand along with foam and batting and new wood and aerosol contact adhesive we went to work. For once I am not using the "Royal" we as I discovered when working on the Galaxie, Susie is actually pretty good at upholstery. It took all day and of course multiple trips to Lowes but you don't need to hear all that, you lucky people can just look at the pictures. It actually all went rather well as you can see.
and check out the matching steering wheel cover.
The floor of the cart was originally a fitted rubber mat but some time ago my old buddy JC Terry thought that if I were to wrap the cart in camouflage then maybe I should replace the worn out rubber with astroturf and here is the result.
I still need to glue it down and trim out the edges but I think that it is all going to look rather jolly when it is done. The next big leap forward will be to vinyl wrap the body and that is dependant on Everything Carts actually delivering the product that I ordered (and paid for) weeks ago. Still all in all some serious progress has been made this weekend.
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