I didn't blog yesterday because I worked until dark and not only did I not have enough light to take photographs I didn't have enough strength to press the button on the camera.

Still as you can see I got the nose back on so it is starting to look more like a cart and less like the retarded granny that you keep in a closet when the neighbors call. I got a fair amount of filler on it and also a fair amount of the loathsome block sanding done. Although it is going to be vinyl wrapped (as opposed to painted) I still want the filler to be as flat as possible so I have another few nights of work ahead.

I also got the new clutch on. This was the reason that I was working so late. For some sick reason the designers at EZGO placed the rear axle just close enough to ensure that the clutch will not slide off the crankshaft. When I first did this the engine, complete with clutch, was on he shop floor which was just as well because I had Susie stand on the engine whilst I bounced up and down on the wrench to twist the clutch off the shaft. If the engine had not been seized I don't see how we could have got it apart. I had to put the old clutch back on as I needed it to start the engine and the new one had not arrived. Anyway I discovered the 57 ways that you cannot remove the clutch before I realized that if I undid the bolt that holds the engine frame to the chassis I could then use the trolley jack to raise the engine the 3 inches necessary to clear the axle. The result is the new clutch below.

And you can see how damned close it is to the axle.
A little while ago I decided that constantly dicking around with a 25 year old carburetter was not going to work so I invested in a new one. I fitted that last night and here is the result.
To you this is just a vid, however to me this is huge, this is monumental, this is what it must feel like giving birth. It lives and it breathes. Now I need to take a moment and smile whilst I reflect on just how worthwhile this gestation has been.
I still have to adjust the carburetter and frankly I feel that the advice to run a first tank of 40:1 may have been incorrect as there is oil everywhere. I also discovered that the steering has got more than plenty of slack but it ran for a mile or so last night and that is good. The rest is just cosmetics. Now if you will excuse me I am going to watch the video again.
Good Lord! Who would have thought??? When you first eyed that tore up dilapidated ol' piece of crap in the weeds -- I thought you were nuts. Well you are nuts -- but you actually are making something out of nothing -- rather amazing!! Go DAVID!!!!