This is how I started the evening, the first job being to remove the piston so that I could insert it into the cylinder

On the plus side, the ring compressor worked like a dream. On the negative side it is always a pain to have to buy a tool only to use it once, such is life.

Without any drama at all (and let me assure you that is a novelty) I got to this stage, the piston is in the cylinder and the cylinder is sitting on the block. Doesn't that look sharp?
Now many years ago I discovered that I am not as smart as I think I am when it comes to remembering where the bits came from. So these days I use a ton of ziplock bags and with a sharpie I bag and label every little group of parts. I found the baggie that said cylinder crankcase nuts which also contained the old little end roller bearing and two spacers. A quick look at the engine schematic proved that these should have been fitted with the piston so it was off with the cylinder and once again off with the piston. Still on the bright side I got to use my ring compressor more than once.

And here we are the cylinder is bolted down and the head is on.

Finally I got the carburetter on as well as the fuel pump. Because I had reassembled the fuel pump incorrectly it would not fit in the space and was fouling on the starter bracket. It took about an hour to work out what had gone wrong. Still it only took you 10 seconds to read about my misery.

Tonight I shall install the ignition sensor, the flywheel, the fan and the fan shroud. That will complete the engine rebuild and then I will start to rewire the engine bay.
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