You can just see the strap going across a flower bed and onto a tow bracket of a small car. This is so when I put the back axle on stands it didn't roll backwards onto me. As my old woodwork teacher, Mr McFarland, used to say, "Safety first lads". Unfortunately Mr McFarland only had nine fingers so the joke was really on him. Still I digress. The first task was to get the back wheels unlocked.
So up on axle stands (and doesn't that look like I know what I am doing?), off with the wheels and come to a grinding halt. The biggest socket I had was 15/16ths and it wasn't big enough. I did, however, have a stupid little adjustable wrench that would fit but it provided all the torque of a gerbil on a treadmill. I tried copious quantities of WD40 and a tickle with a blowtorch but the nuts stuck to the hubs like excrement to a blanket. I guess I need to borrow a big ring spanner (anyone? anyone?). Of course I don't know what size I need, the fact that 15/16ths is too small doesn't mean it is 1 inch, ho hum. Still not to be deterred I pressed on removing the side trim, broken lights, the seats and various other pieces of paraphernalia. All in all I did have quite a jolly evening.
The front cowl is the worst part of the cart. It really does look pretty crappy but I know that I can beat it straight and with some new rubber trim I can make this better than new. "Better than new?" I hear you say. Yes indeed you see I have found a company that produce vinyl body wraps for golf carts. So I just have to fill the dents and sand it down before wrapping it. My initial plan is to wrap it in this,

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