Still throwing caution to the winds (and throwing my back out again) a mighty heave and the engine was out. Looks kind of pathetic doesn't it?
Monday, May 31, 2010
The engine is out !
Still throwing caution to the winds (and throwing my back out again) a mighty heave and the engine was out. Looks kind of pathetic doesn't it?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Onwards and Upwards
Friday, May 21, 2010
It moves !
So with a bit of a grunt the nuts were spun off, of course this still left the hubs frozen on. I soon realised that the hill brake had been applied and the two cables then rusted in place. By knocking out the connecting pins and the judicious use of a mallet I was able to free the shoes and off came the hubs. The shoes have plenty of meat on them which will save me $60 and with a clean and a grease it was all back together. I was able to WD40 the cables and got them kind of, sort of, maybe working. Now I am not sure that I trust my life to a set of 24 year old rusty brake cables so in the fullness of time they will be replaced but for now I have brakes that work when you press the pedal and release when you don't. All the tires were flat and without much hope I tried to get some air in them and to my surprise they all held air. It goes without saying that they will be replaced even if these 8 inch tires cost an outageous $50 each (softly sobbing)
I have ordered the service manual and hopefully it will arrive during the weekend. Then I can start the engine removal and stripdown. Once I am assured that the engine can be saved then I will start spending money. If the the engine has thrown a rod or similar then I have lost nothing but time spend doing what I love, dicking around.
PS My buddy JC liked the idea of the grass print body wrap and suggested that if I do go that way I should replace the floor mat with astroturf. How cool is that? Now with a grass theme for the cart how could I not get this souvenir tag from the DMV?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
And so the game starts
You can just see the strap going across a flower bed and onto a tow bracket of a small car. This is so when I put the back axle on stands it didn't roll backwards onto me. As my old woodwork teacher, Mr McFarland, used to say, "Safety first lads". Unfortunately Mr McFarland only had nine fingers so the joke was really on him. Still I digress. The first task was to get the back wheels unlocked.
So up on axle stands (and doesn't that look like I know what I am doing?), off with the wheels and come to a grinding halt. The biggest socket I had was 15/16ths and it wasn't big enough. I did, however, have a stupid little adjustable wrench that would fit but it provided all the torque of a gerbil on a treadmill. I tried copious quantities of WD40 and a tickle with a blowtorch but the nuts stuck to the hubs like excrement to a blanket. I guess I need to borrow a big ring spanner (anyone? anyone?). Of course I don't know what size I need, the fact that 15/16ths is too small doesn't mean it is 1 inch, ho hum. Still not to be deterred I pressed on removing the side trim, broken lights, the seats and various other pieces of paraphernalia. All in all I did have quite a jolly evening.
The front cowl is the worst part of the cart. It really does look pretty crappy but I know that I can beat it straight and with some new rubber trim I can make this better than new. "Better than new?" I hear you say. Yes indeed you see I have found a company that produce vinyl body wraps for golf carts. So I just have to fill the dents and sand it down before wrapping it. My initial plan is to wrap it in this,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Plan
The first job, after I get it home, will be to unlock the rear brakes so that I can move it around this will be necessary in order to hide it from the fascist bastards at the home owners association. Then I am going to make a huge assumption inasmuch as the engine has locked (or is so worn out as to be inoperable) and pull the engine. Fortunately there are a ton of parts for this little engine and around $350 will get me a complete rebuild kit. So the first plan will be that if this turns to ashes I will have a rebuilt engine and they retail at around $800 so at the very worse I will double my money.
One interesting point is that the cart has a 2 stroke engine so it will be an easy build (flat head, no valves and so on). Being a 2 stroke it runs happily in both directions and this is how you select reverse, stop the engine, throw the switch that reverses the starter motor and restart.
Well the next step will be to get it off the mountain and get it home. With the wheels still locked pulling it onto the trailer will be fun but I have my buddy JC helping so stay tuned and I will let you know how it goes down.